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ABA COVID-19 Policies

The ABA continually monitors Covid conditions and will manage to the county health department guidelines and protocols and will provide specific covid policies as we get closer to the start of the season.  Please note that specific covid requirements have not been set for the 2021 season but all participants will be required to accept a new COVID-19 Waiver Form During registration. 

Below is a recap of how the league managed Covid last season and are being listed as reference.   Please note that the ABA will establish new guidelines for the 2021-22 season based on the conditions and recommendations that are provided by the school district and county health department. 

• Masks may be required  (ABA is following all Ridley School District policies and guidelines set forth by the Central League.  If there are any changes, we will provide an update.)

• Players’ chairs will be spaced 6 feet apart.

• Scorekeeper and book tables will be spaced 6 feet apart.

• RCC doors will be locked before, during, and after all games.

• Ridley ABA will use their communication tool through the website to notify one team and coach that they may enter the building. 

• All players will enter through the main RCC doors on Morton Avenue.

• Once the team enters, they will be temperature checked, sanitize their hands, as well as provide name for contact tracing.  Rosters will also be available so no one will be allowed to enter that is not part of the team.

• That team will enter the gym and begin warm-ups while the same process is repeated for the other team.

• After the teams are in the gym, Ridley ABA will send a notification that parents and referees can enter the building.

• 1 adult per player will be allowed.  They will also go through temperature check, sanitizing, and contact tracing.  They will be required to bring their own chair, as bleachers will not be open.

• Players and coaches will be required to hand sanitize before entering the game, at half-time, and at the end of the game.


• Once the game has ended, players and parents will be asked to exit via the doors closest to the high school.

• After everyone has exited the building, the cleaning process will begin:

• Trash and debris on and around the court will be removed.

• Score table and book table will be wiped down.

• Players’ chairs will be wiped down.

• Basketballs will be wiped down.

• Door handles to entry/exit doors will be wiped down.

• Bathroom doors and stall handles will be wiped down.

The safety of the boys and girls in our league is our top priority.  We ask for everyone’s cooperation in following all the rules that have been established.

Thank you for your participation in the ABA and for your continued support!

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